Acosta, Ed |
Acuna, Robert |
Adams, Wayne |
Albert, Sergio |
Alderete, Frank |
Alderman, Charles |
Amendola, Louis |
Anderson, Jim |
Anderson, Matt |
Anderson, Ruben |
Andrasko, Neal |
Antl, Jim |
Arciaga, Robert |
Armenta, Bill |
Attebery, Jeff |
Avery, Anson |
Bahno, John |
Bainum, Don |
Baker, David |
Baker, Jeff |
Baker, Laurent |
Baker, Lyle |
Barber, Jim |
Barnes, Mike |
Barrett, Jim |
Basore, Harry |
Baxter, Jim |
Beach, Brian |
Begley, Ron |
Bell, Graham |
Bellah, Dick |
Benjamin, Bill |
Bennett, Bill |
Beresford, Kevin |
Berg, Paul |
Berriz, Frank |
Bethea, Marv |
Bettis, Carl |
Bielman, Mike |
Billings, Steve |
Bishop, Bob |
Blakeway, Roy |
Blash, Bob |
Blash, Steve |
Bohannon, Don |
Borgia, Andy |
Boswell, George |
Bowker, Bill |
Bowser, Ted |
Bradford, Chuck |
Bradshaw, Dean |
Brandt, James |
Brazell, Charles |
Brewer, Stan |
Brinegar, Scott |
Briner, Greg |
Brown, Allen |
Brown, Bob |
Brown, Wayne |
Burnham, Lemuel |
Burnham, Perry |
Burns, Don |
Burrows, Bill |
Burrows, Lloyd |
Bustos, Leonard |
Byes, Don |
Calabrese, Bill |
Caldwell, Cliff |
Calhoun, Darnel |
Cambridge, Earl |
Cameron, Mike |
Campbell, Ken |
Cann, Colin |
Cantwell, Jerry |
Carl, Greg |
Caro, Raul |
Caropino, Tim |
Carpenter, Don |
Carson, Don |
Casper, Bob |
Castagnola, Larry |
Center, Jim |
Chavez, Chip |
Cherry, Richard |
Chisam, John |
Chodowski, Ed |
Cipranic, Ben |
Clark, Bill |
Clark, Steven |
Clark, Wayne |
Clarke, Russ |
Class, Roger |
Clayton, Billy |
Clothier, Dan |
Cluirarte, Tony |
Cochrane, Marshall |
Cochrane, Mike |
Colacchio, Dave |
Cole, Dennis |
Coleman, Kevin |
Collachio, Dave |
Collins, Lou |
Combs, Mike |
Conlon, John |
Cooper, Gary |
Corrella, Joe |
Cortright, Mike |
Crago, Steve |
Cranley, Frank |
Craven, Mike |
Crayton, Billy |
Crear, Conrad |
Crenshaw, Cliff |
Crockett, Wesley |
Cross, Chris |
Crouch, Nick |
Cruikshank, Jim |
Crutcher, Jerry |
Curtis, Dale |
Czarnota, Pete |
Da Silva, Jorge |
Dalen, Mike |
Dalton, Gary |
Damschen, Ron |
Daniels, Jerry |
Daniels, Tony |
D'Annunzio, John |
Daquilante, Dan |
Davis, Jim |
Davis, Mike |
Davisson, Steve |
Dean, Vernon |
Debora, Larry |
DeDomenico, Mike |
Deesing, Mark |
DeFries, John |
Delaney, Bill |
DeLaurentis, Bill |
Denson, Bob |
DeSantis, Leonard |
Di'Annunizo, John |
Dickinson, Scott |
Dietz, Bob |
Dillard, Albert |
Dohner, Ray |
Dolphin, Mike |
Dover, Len |
Dovgin, Robert |
Downham, Ned |
Doyle, Larry |
Duby, Jack |
Dudek, John |
Dunn, Gregg |
Dunn, Jason |
Dunn, Paul |
Early, Steve |
Eden, Jim |
Edwards, Mike |
Egan, Bill |
Elisara, Lou |
Embry, Bob |
Erreca, Scott |
Esparza, Alex |
Essington, Randy |
Estrada, Mike |
Etingoff, John |
Eudy, Lee |
Evans, Augie |
Evans, Eric |
Faires, John |
Farrar, Cliff |
Fealy, Mike |
Felder, Eric |
Fey, Jim |
Fields, Allen |
Fisher, Bill |
Fisk, Bob |
Fite, Lamar |
Fitzgerald, Luke |
Fletcher, Chistopher |
Folgelberg, Val |
Foster, Jim |
Franklin, Leonard |
Frost, Joe |
Fultz, Bobby |
Gagliano, Bob |
Garceau, Jerry |
Garcia, Bobby |
Gauthier, Richard |
Gay, Leon |
George, Mike |
Gibbs, Nigel |
Giliam, John |
Gilster, Rob |
Gindorf, Steve |
Grace, Doug |
Graham, Aaron |
Grant, John |
Graves, Dave |
Gray, Bob |
Greco, Joe |
Green, Ralph |
Greener, Craig |
Greeson, Terry |
Griffen, Ed |
Grigsby, Reggie |
Groom, Birney |
Guilan, Manuel |
Haber, George |
Hale, Scott |
Haley Michael |
Hamel, John |
Hampson, Milt |
Hampton, Milton |
Hancock, Wes |
Hanlon, John |
Hanna, Charlie |
Harding, Vince |
Harris, Jim |
Harris, Joel |
Harrison, Mac |
Harrison, William |
Harry, Skip |
Hart, Paul |
Harvey, Ken |
Hatcher, Terry |
Hawkins, Walter |
Heard, Tom |
Hearn, Waddell |
Heaton, Frazer |
Hendrix, Doug |
Henschen, Bob |
Hill, Eric |
Hill, John |
Hines, Charles |
Hitchcock, Les |
Holland, Scott |
Hollinquest, Ivy |
Holmes, Jerry |
Holmes, Tom |
Holt, Greg |
Home, Sampson |
Hood, Robert |
Hoover, Mike |
Hopkins, Dick |
Hopper, Guy |
Horne, Jeff |
Houchin, John |
Houle, Mark |
Houle, Mark |
Howard, Roy |
Huddelston, Dick |
Huff, Walter |
Hughes, Kevin |
Hughes, Nolan |
Hull, Jim |
Huston, Merv |
Hutchins, Mike |
Hutchinson, Larry |
Icciano, Pat |
Igoe, Mike |
Irby, Pat |
Irwin, Bill |
Jeffries, Tim |
Jesseman, Greg |
Johnson, Dale |
Johnson, Jim |
Johnson, Ken |
Johnson, Larry |
Johnson, Rick |
Jones, Harold |
Jones, Jim |
Kalish, Bruce |
Kane, Bill |
Kane, William |
Karuzich, Harry |
Kaska, Charles |
Keller, Robert |
Kelly, Frank |
Kelly, Pat |
Kennedy, Mike |
Kessler, Terry |
Ketchersid, Jim |
Klemens, Brian |
Knauert, Dennis |
Knoeller, Dave |
Kohls, Al |
Koopsen, Scott |
Koske, Ken |
Krich, David |
Kriminger, George |
Kruske, Randy |
Kuri, Rob |
La Russo, Jerry |
LaBlanc, Jackman |
Laccino, Bob |
Langley, Vince |
Larsen, Lee |
Leitner, Bill |
Lent, Bobby |
Leong, Lyle |
Limbrick, Charles |
Love, Terry |
Lucia, Raymond 'Rocky' |
Ludwig, Dave |
MacCubbin, Robert |
Machado, Kerman |
Mackey, Ken |
Madison, Al |
Mahoney, John |
Maisey, Jim |
Malone, Terry |
Marnhout, Mike |
Marquez, Tony |
Marshall, Jim |
Maston, Steve |
Matnard, Larry |
Maynard, Howard |
Mays, Bob |
McClure, Steve |
McDonald, Dwight |
McGriff, Mike |
McGuire, Greg |
Medlock, Neil |
Midolo, Dave |
Mikolajewski, Dave |
Miller, Bill |
Miller, Bob |
Miller, Bruce |
Miller, Gary |
Mills, Greg |
Mills, Mike |
Minaldi, Steve |
Mitchell, Alvin |
Monroe, Mark |
Moore, Arnold |
Morales, Bill |
Morgan, Keith |
Morris, Mark |
Morrow, Jeff |
Muench, Morris |
Mund, Kirk |
Munger, Wayne |
Muray, Tom |
Murdock, Jesse |
Myerett, Charles |
Myers, Jeff |
Nager, Tom |
Nasella, Larry |
Naut, John |
Neste, Blame |
Newhouse, Mike |
Newman, Dave |
Newton, Gordie |
Noble, Bill |
Norman, Frank |
Nugent, Bill |
O’brien, John |
Oberreuter, Wayne |
O'Brien, Jack |
Odom, John |
Olinger, Brett |
Omer, Doug |
Orbavac, Jack |
Osburn, Mike |
Ottombrino, Mike |
Owens, James |
Palmer, Chris |
Partaine, Paul |
Passalacqua, Dan |
Pate, Mike |
Patrick, Jeff |
Patterson, John |
Patterson, Mark |
Payne, Michael |
Peccianti, Mike |
Pekarcik, Pat |
Pelkola, Rodney |
Pell, Cleve |
Perez, John |
Perkins, Rod |
Perner, Ross |
Peterson, Don |
Phair, Jeff |
Picchiottino, Joe |
Pierce, Ron |
Player, Vic |
Pollard, Richard |
Porter, Bill |
Porter, Keith |
Potter, Gary |
Price, Dave |
Prince, Stan |
Pulaski, John |
Qualls, Sherman |
Radovich, John |
Ragan, Randy |
Raney, Mike |
Rangel, Bernie |
Red, Robert |
Redmond, David |
Regan, Jim |
Rhodes, Allan |
Rhodes, Mike |
Ricci, John |
Richards, Ricardo |
Roberts, Art |
Roberts, Darrell |
Robinson, Jerry |
Robinson, Ray |
Robinson, Reggie |
Robinson, Ron |
Rodriguez, Bobby |
Rodriguez, Frank |
Rogge, Bruce |
Root, John |
Rowan, George |
Rowser, Ted |
Royal, Curtis |
Rumph, Craig |
Ryan, Jerry |
Rylant, Terry |
Sampson, Jeff |
Sanchez, Al |
Sanders, John |
Santellan, Mike |
Sartorius, Robert |
Scarnecchia, Dante |
Schaff, John |
Schenke, Karl |
Schmike, David |
Schultz, Gary |
Schylte, Mike |
Scott, Paul |
Scott, Torin |
Searl, Marc |
Sells, Graden |
Settles, BiII |
Sewell, Joe |
Shepard, Larry |
Shirley, Rick |
Shoen, Brad |
Short, Tim |
Shriver, William |
Simenta, Vale |
Simpson, Billy |
Simpson, Dennis |
Sims, Maurice |
Singery, Dave |
Slimak, Andy |
Slover, Larry |
Smith, Brian |
Smith, D.R. |
Smith, John |
Smith, Paul |
Snider, Tom |
Spaulding, Joe |
Speicher, Steve |
Spellman, Jim |
Spinks, Dave |
Springer, Bruce |
Starek, Rick |
Stark, Dave |
Stevens, Jeff |
Stockalper, Rudi |
Stoddard, Shawn |
Strader, Ted |
Sullivan, Chris |
Surry, Jeff |
Sutton, Ken |
Tanguma, Marty |
Taui, Maui |
Taylor, Bruce |
Taylor, Steve |
Thomas Miller |
Thomas, Gerald |
Thomas, Steve |
Thomason, Don |
Thompson, Dave |
Thompson, Wayne |
Thorn, Richard |
Thornton, Keith |
Tiffany, Bob |
Titus, Tim |
Titus, Pat |
Toledo, Larry |
Tolliver, Gene |
Tomaino, Sam |
Torretto, Alan |
Toth, Chuck |
Town, Bob |
Trigg, Tom |
Trujillo, Joseph |
Turek, John |
Tuttle, Mark |
Valdivia, Pepe |
Vance, Stephen |
Varner, Andrew |
Vaughan, Chris |
Vaughn, Frank |
Vaughn, Tony |
Vessey, Danny |
Vosberg, Gary |
Vosberg, Mike |
Waasted, Dave |
Waddel, Hearn |
Wald Jon |
Walters, J.D. |
Ward, Charlie |
Watkins, Jim |
Weaver, Julian |
Wedel, Jay |
Weiner, Gary |
Welch, Mike |
Wenbourne, Tom |
Werhanowicz, Pete |
West, Dave |
Westergard, Rick |
Wheaton, Russell |
White, David |
Whitfield, James |
Widmark, Erik |
Wiley, Mike |
Wilk, Nick |
Wilkerson, John |
Willey, Jon |
Williams, Henry |
Williams, Joel |
Williams, Lemmon |
Williams, Steve |
Williamson, Howie |
Williamson, Sam |
Woelke, Gary |
Woods, Leroy |
Worden, Bill |
Worrell, Tim |
Wright, Marck |
Wright, Mike |
Yamamoto, Ken |
Yarbrough, Ernie |
Yoder, Craig |
Young, Doug |
Zarkovich, Vince |
Zissa, Gaylon |
Game programs as old as 1957 are available at this web site. If you purchase one please scan or copy and send me the team information from the program. The earliest program I saw on the site was from 1957.
This index will lead to all the players we have been able to identify. If you click on the name a picture and bio may be available. If you click on a letter it will take you to the area of the players name that starts with that letter. If you click on a year it will take you to the team roster from that year.
Please let me know if there are errors on the pages, if you know of players we haven't identified, or if you want to change the information we have gathered about you.
Please let me know if you want contact info included in your bio.
NCAA Helmet Project
c.1969 - 1970 | c.1971 |
U.S. International University (San Diego, CA) had an intercollegiate football team which played its last season in either 1977, 1978, or 1979, according to different sources. The school was known as California Western University prior to 1968, and in 2001 it merged with another school to form what is now Alliant International University. During the Cal Western years the team apparently used blue helmets, sometimes with a light-colored stripe and sometimes with light-colored numerals on the sides. I would appreciate any color photos from the years prior to 1969 and from the period 1972 through late 1970s.
California Western University | ||
Football Players | ||
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