Acosta, Ed
Acuna, Robert
Adams, Wayne
Albert, Sergio
Alderete, Frank
Alderman, Charles
Amendola, Louis
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, Matt
Anderson, Ruben
Andrasko, Neal
Antl, Jim
Arciaga, Robert
Armenta, Bill
Attebery, Jeff
Avery, Anson
Bahno, John
Bainum, Don
Baker, David
Baker, Jeff
Baker, Laurent
Baker, Lyle
Barber, Jim
Barnes, Mike
Barrett, Jim
Basore, Harry
Baxter, Jim
Beach, Brian
Begley, Ron
Bell, Graham
Bellah, Dick
Benjamin, Bill
Bennett, Bill
Beresford, Kevin
Berg, Paul
Berriz, Frank
Bethea, Marv
Bettis, Carl
Bielman, Mike
Billings, Steve
Bishop, Bob
Blakeway, Roy
Blash, Bob
Blash, Steve
Bohannon, Don
Borgia, Andy
Boswell, George
Bowker, Bill
Bowser, Ted
Bradford, Chuck
Bradshaw, Dean
Brandt, James
Brazell, Charles
Brewer, Stan
Brinegar, Scott
Briner, Greg
Brown, Allen
Brown, Bob
Brown, Wayne
Burnham, Lemuel
Burnham, Perry
Burns, Don
Burrows, Bill
Burrows, Lloyd
Bustos, Leonard
Byes, Don
Calabrese, Bill
Caldwell, Cliff
Calhoun, Darnel
Cambridge, Earl
Cameron, Mike
Campbell, Ken
Cann, Colin
Cantwell, Jerry
Carl, Greg
Caro, Raul
Caropino, Tim
Carpenter, Don
Carson, Don
Casper, Bob
Castagnola, Larry
Center, Jim
Chavez, Chip
Cherry, Richard
Chisam, John
Chodowski, Ed
Cipranic, Ben
Clark, Bill
Clark, Steven
Clark, Wayne
Clarke, Russ
Class, Roger
Clayton, Billy
Clothier, Dan
Cluirarte, Tony
Cochrane, Marshall
Cochrane, Mike
Colacchio, Dave
Cole, Dennis
Coleman, Kevin
Collachio, Dave
Collins, Lou
Combs, Mike
Conlon, John
Cooper, Gary
Corrella, Joe
Cortright, Mike
Crago, Steve
Cranley, Frank
Craven, Mike
Crayton, Billy
Crear, Conrad
Crenshaw, Cliff
Crockett, Wesley
Cross, Chris
Crouch, Nick
Cruikshank, Jim
Crutcher, Jerry
Curtis, Dale
Czarnota, Pete
Da Silva, Jorge
Dalen, Mike
Dalton, Gary
Damschen, Ron
Daniels, Jerry
Daniels, Tony
D'Annunzio, John
Daquilante, Dan
Davis, Jim
Davis, Mike
Davisson, Steve
Dean, Vernon
Debora, Larry
DeDomenico, Mike
Deesing, Mark
DeFries, John
Delaney, Bill
DeLaurentis, Bill
Denson, Bob
DeSantis, Leonard
Di'Annunizo, John
Dickinson, Scott
Dietz, Bob
Dillard, Albert
Dohner, Ray
Dolphin, Mike
Dover, Len
Dovgin, Robert
Downham, Ned
Doyle, Larry
Duby, Jack
Dudek, John
Dunn, Gregg
Dunn, Jason
Dunn, Paul
Early, Steve
Eden, Jim
Edwards, Mike
Egan, Bill
Elisara, Lou
Embry, Bob
Erreca, Scott
Esparza, Alex
Essington, Randy
Estrada, Mike
Etingoff, John
Eudy, Lee
Evans, Augie
Evans, Eric
Faires, John
Farrar, Cliff
Fealy, Mike
Felder, Eric
Fey, Jim
Fields, Allen
Fisher, Bill
Fisk, Bob
Fite, Lamar
Fitzgerald, Luke
Fletcher, Chistopher
Folgelberg, Val
Foster, Jim
Franklin, Leonard
Frost, Joe
Fultz, Bobby
Gagliano, Bob
Garceau, Jerry
Garcia, Bobby
Gauthier, Richard
Gay, Leon
George, Mike
Gibbs, Nigel
Giliam, John
Gilster, Rob
Gindorf, Steve
Grace, Doug
Graham, Aaron
Grant, John
Graves, Dave
Gray, Bob
Greco, Joe
Green, Ralph
Greener, Craig
Greeson, Terry
Griffen, Ed
Grigsby, Reggie
Groom, Birney
Guilan, Manuel
Haber, George
Hale, Scott
Haley Michael
Hamel, John
Hampson, Milt
Hampton, Milton
Hancock, Wes
Hanlon, John
Hanna, Charlie
Harding, Vince
Harris, Jim
Harris, Joel
Harrison, Mac
Harrison, William
Harry, Skip
Hart, Paul
Harvey, Ken
Hatcher, Terry
Hawkins, Walter
Heard, Tom
Hearn, Waddell
Heaton, Frazer
Hendrix, Doug
Henschen, Bob
Hill, Eric
Hill, John
Hines, Charles
Hitchcock, Les
Holland, Scott
Hollinquest, Ivy
Holmes, Jerry
Holmes, Tom
Holt, Greg
Home, Sampson
Hood, Robert
Hoover, Mike
Hopkins, Dick
Hopper, Guy
Horne, Jeff
Houchin, John
Houle, Mark
Houle, Mark
Howard, Roy
Huddelston, Dick
Huff, Walter
Hughes, Kevin
Hughes, Nolan
Hull, Jim
Huston, Merv
Hutchins, Mike
Hutchinson, Larry
Icciano, Pat
Igoe, Mike
Irby, Pat
Irwin, Bill
Jeffries, Tim
Jesseman, Greg
Johnson, Dale
Johnson, Jim
Johnson, Ken
Johnson, Larry
Johnson, Rick
Jones, Harold
Jones, Jim
Kalish, Bruce
Kane, Bill
Kane, William
Karuzich, Harry
Kaska, Charles
Keller, Robert
Kelly, Frank
Kelly, Pat
Kennedy, Mike
Kessler, Terry
Ketchersid, Jim
Klemens, Brian
Knauert, Dennis
Knoeller, Dave
Kohls, Al
Koopsen, Scott
Koske, Ken
Krich, David
Kriminger, George
Kruske, Randy
Kuri, Rob
La Russo, Jerry
LaBlanc, Jackman
Laccino, Bob
Langley, Vince
Larsen, Lee
Leitner, Bill
Lent, Bobby
Leong, Lyle
Limbrick, Charles
Love, Terry
Lucia, Raymond 'Rocky'
Ludwig, Dave
MacCubbin, Robert
Machado, Kerman
Mackey, Ken
Madison, Al
Mahoney, John
Maisey, Jim
Malone, Terry
Marnhout, Mike
Marquez, Tony
Marshall, Jim
Maston, Steve
Matnard, Larry
Maynard, Howard
Mays, Bob
McClure, Steve
McDonald, Dwight
McGriff, Mike
McGuire, Greg
Medlock, Neil
Midolo, Dave
Mikolajewski, Dave
Miller, Bill
Miller, Bob
Miller, Bruce
Miller, Gary
Mills, Greg
Mills, Mike
Minaldi, Steve
Mitchell, Alvin
Monroe, Mark
Moore, Arnold
Morales, Bill
Morgan, Keith
Morris, Mark
Morrow, Jeff
Muench, Morris
Mund, Kirk
Munger, Wayne
Muray, Tom
Murdock, Jesse
Myerett, Charles
Myers, Jeff
Nager, Tom
Nasella, Larry
Naut, John
Neste, Blame
Newhouse, Mike
Newman, Dave
Newton, Gordie
Noble, Bill
Norman, Frank
Nugent, Bill
O’brien, John
Oberreuter, Wayne
O'Brien, Jack
Odom, John
Olinger, Brett
Omer, Doug
Orbavac, Jack
Osburn, Mike
Ottombrino, Mike
Owens, James
Palmer, Chris
Partaine, Paul
Passalacqua, Dan
Pate, Mike
Patrick, Jeff
Patterson, John
Patterson, Mark
Payne, Michael
Peccianti, Mike
Pekarcik, Pat
Pelkola, Rodney
Pell, Cleve
Perez, John
Perkins, Rod
Perner, Ross
Peterson, Don
Phair, Jeff
Picchiottino, Joe
Pierce, Ron
Player, Vic
Pollard, Richard
Porter, Bill
Porter, Keith
Potter, Gary
Price, Dave
Prince, Stan
Pulaski, John
Qualls, Sherman
Radovich, John
Ragan, Randy
Raney, Mike
Rangel, Bernie
Red, Robert
Redmond, David
Regan, Jim
Rhodes, Allan
Rhodes, Mike
Ricci, John
Richards, Ricardo
Roberts, Art
Roberts, Darrell
Robinson, Jerry
Robinson, Ray
Robinson, Reggie
Robinson, Ron
Rodriguez, Bobby
Rodriguez, Frank
Rogge, Bruce
Root, John
Rowan, George
Rowser, Ted
Royal, Curtis
Rumph, Craig
Ryan, Jerry
Rylant, Terry
Sampson, Jeff
Sanchez, Al
Sanders, John
Santellan, Mike
Sartorius, Robert
Scarnecchia, Dante
Schaff, John
Schenke, Karl
Schmike, David
Schultz, Gary
Schylte, Mike
Scott, Paul
Scott, Torin
Searl, Marc
Sells, Graden
Settles, BiII
Sewell, Joe
Shepard, Larry
Shirley, Rick
Shoen, Brad
Short, Tim
Shriver, William
Simenta, Vale
Simpson, Billy
Simpson, Dennis
Sims, Maurice
Singery, Dave
Slimak, Andy
Slover, Larry
Smith, Brian
Smith, D.R.
Smith, John
Smith, Paul
Snider, Tom
Spaulding, Joe
Speicher, Steve
Spellman, Jim
Spinks, Dave
Springer, Bruce
Starek, Rick
Stark, Dave
Stevens, Jeff
Stockalper, Rudi
Stoddard, Shawn
Strader, Ted
Sullivan, Chris
Surry, Jeff
Sutton, Ken
Tanguma, Marty
Taui, Maui
Taylor, Bruce
Taylor, Steve
Thomas Miller
Thomas, Gerald
Thomas, Steve
Thomason, Don
Thompson, Dave
Thompson, Wayne
Thorn, Richard
Thornton, Keith
Tiffany, Bob
Titus, Tim
Titus, Pat
Toledo, Larry
Tolliver, Gene
Tomaino, Sam
Torretto, Alan
Toth, Chuck
Town, Bob
Trigg, Tom
Trujillo, Joseph
Turek, John
Tuttle, Mark
Valdivia, Pepe
Vance, Stephen
Varner, Andrew
Vaughan, Chris
Vaughn, Frank
Vaughn, Tony
Vessey, Danny
Vosberg, Gary
Vosberg, Mike
Waasted, Dave
Waddel, Hearn
Wald Jon
Walters, J.D.
Ward, Charlie
Watkins, Jim
Weaver, Julian
Wedel, Jay
Weiner, Gary
Welch, Mike
Wenbourne, Tom
Werhanowicz, Pete
West, Dave
Westergard, Rick
Wheaton, Russell
White, David
Whitfield, James
Widmark, Erik
Wiley, Mike
Wilk, Nick
Wilkerson, John
Willey, Jon
Williams, Henry
Williams, Joel
Williams, Lemmon
Williams, Steve
Williamson, Howie
Williamson, Sam
Woelke, Gary
Woods, Leroy
Worden, Bill
Worrell, Tim
Wright, Marck
Wright, Mike
Yamamoto, Ken
Yarbrough, Ernie
Yoder, Craig
Young, Doug
Zarkovich, Vince
Zissa, Gaylon



Game programs as old as 1957 are available at this web site. If you purchase one please scan or copy and send me the team information from the program. The earliest program I saw on the site was from 1957.

Football Players

This index will lead to all the players we have been able to identify. If you click on the name a picture and bio may be available. If you click on a letter it will take you to the area of the players name that starts with that letter. If you click on a year it will take you to the team roster from that year.

Please let me know if there are errors on the pages, if you know of players we haven't identified, or if you want to change the information we have gathered about you.

Please let me know if you want contact info included in your bio.

Click on a year to see roster



NCAA Helmet Project


1969 and 1970 Helmet Helmet circa 1971
c.1969 - 1970 c.1971


U.S. International University (San Diego, CA) had an intercollegiate football team which played its last season in either 1977, 1978, or 1979, according to different sources. The school was known as California Western University prior to 1968, and in 2001 it merged with another school to form what is now Alliant International University. During the Cal Western years the team apparently used blue helmets, sometimes with a light-colored stripe and sometimes with light-colored numerals on the sides. I would appreciate any color photos from the years prior to 1969 and from the period 1972 through late 1970s.

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